Episode 27: What Does Pandemic Healing Look Like?

Is the pandemic over? Fuck if I know.

Will the 2021-22 school year be normal? Fuck if I know.

Is California done with shutdowns? Fuck. If. I. Know.

But I do know one thing: I am ready to heal from the pandemic, even if there is more trauma ahead. So how the hell do I do that?

Spoiler alert: I don’t know. It’s not like I can go to the library and check out Pandemic Healing for Dummies or The Idiot’s Guide to Healing After A Year Of Soul-Crushing Distance Learning.

However, I know that my first step to healing is simple:

  • Pay Attention, and
  • Get Super Curious About My Need to Heal

I first encountered this concept in The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. To be honest, when I first read about it, it struck me as total bullshit. But then I started applying the idea to various issues in my life, especially my bad habit of screaming at my kids, and I noticed profound, lasting challenge. Paying Attention and Being Curious is the tool I return to again and again. It’s the tool I’m going to use all summer to heal from the pandemic.

I do not know exactly how my healing journey will progress. I imagine that what feels right now in mid-June will be different from what feels right in early July, mid July, late July, etc. But these are my initial thoughts on healing:

  • Fun and Play: Having fun and playing are essential to my mental health. I suspect they will be essential to my healing from the pandemic as well. I love bowling and video games, so this summer is going to involve a lot of bowling and Chuck E. Cheese outings with my kids. For more thoughts on fun, check out the May 31, 2021 episode on Glennon Doyle’s podcast We Can Do Hard Things.
  • Go to Different Places: When I get into a rut and keep going to the same places, my soul gets into a rut as well. I get bored and feel depression creeping into my soul. This summer, I aim to visit a mix of places that were closed during the pandemic and places totally new to me and my kids. Maybe I will even take some solo field trips. Yes, I think that’s a grand idea!
  • The Pool: we have a pool. Water is therapeutic. I am going to use the pool an ass shit ton.
  • Getting Outside, Especially Into Nature: Pasadena gets Hot AF, but being outside makes me feel like a better human. Hello, beach days!
  • Lavish Self-Care: This past weekend, I got my first massage since February 2020 and it was fucking glorious. I need more of that glory. Also I want a facial! Now that I’m vaccinated, I am excited to have someone hover above my face and poke at my pores.
  • Declutter: I just love getting unnecessary shit out of the house. It’s so cathartic but I didn’t keep up with our decluttering the past 15 months because I prioritized my writing. I’m glad I prioritized my writing but now I’m aching to prioritize decluttering. In fact, I want to abandon these show notes right now and declutter some shit, but I love you, so I’m going to finish the show notes, m’kay?
  • Crafting: J’aime crafting. For me, it’s a form of play.
  • Humor! Spoiler alert: All the TikTok.
  • Projects: Because I love projects. But also, I want to keep them manageable. There’s a fine line between “yay, projects!” and “fuck, this project is stressing me out!” I’m pondering a few projects, especially visiting all our branch libraries. Nothing big. Small and slow feels good.
  • Exercise: Exercise makes me feel alive! But also, I want to be gentle with myself this summer. I’m aiming to do a bunch of Obe classes when possible while releasing my goal of walking 12,000 steps/day. With the summer heat and Julian’s short preschool camp days, it’s just not realistic.

Okay, now I can go do some decluttering! [insert evil laugh as I head for the toy closet]

Chapter One: The Girl With Hypochondria

I had an idea: I should publish my memoir on my blog. So that is what I am doing. If you want to start at the beginning, start with The Prologue. If you want the actual book, it’s available now on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Scribd, Tolino, Baker & Taylor and Borrow Box.

“You have a cold,” the doctor said.

“That’s it?”

“That’s it. But.”

The doctor flipped through my file. I waited for the death sentence. Cancer? A tumor? Something too exotic to diagnose?

“You seem to come here for a lot of minor complaints. Colds. Headaches. Food poisoning. A spider bite.”

It had been an impressive spider bite. A circle of skin on my left calf had turned pink and warm to the touch and swelled up to a diameter of at least two inches. My skin had never reacted so violently to a bug bite. I’d had to show the bite to a doctor just in case.

The doctor snapped my file shut. “I think you should see a therapist. Your student insurance covers ten visits.”

Therapy? Me? What if my friends found out?

Therapy was for bored housewives and people who could not get their shit together. I did not fall into either category. I was an Ivy League student, writing a senior thesis about the publication of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography and headed to law school next year. I barely ever cried.

Clearly, though, I was doing something wrong if this doctor thought I needed to talk to a therapist. “Okay,” I said as he handed me a sheet of paper with information about the college’s mental health services. I felt like I should say something more to convince him that I was a normal, successful student who rose above her emotions, but the words got stuck in my throat.

Maybe I could use therapy to learn the right way to act so no one would ever again think my feelings were getting the better of me.


My new therapist ushered me into his office. He seemed old—in his early thirties, at the very least—and was wearing glasses, a white lab coat, and grey slacks. The blinds were drawn.
I sat down on a chair on the other side of the room and took note of the large box of tissues on a nearby table. Hopefully I would never need them.

“So why are you here?”

“One of the doctors suggested it. He said I’ve been coming to the student medical center too often.”

“Do you think you’ve been coming too often?”

“All my friends think I’m a hypochondriac, so maybe.”

“What do you hope to accomplish in therapy?”

“I want to stop acting like a hypochondriac.”


“Because hypochondriacs are weak and pathetic. People laugh at them.”

What I meant was that I thought hypochondriacs were weak and pathetic. I thought feelings were silly and degrading.

I have tried to understand where and how this aversion to feelings started.

Maybe I learned it from the movies. I watched a lot of Star Wars and Indiana Jones growing up. The heroes almost never took a moment to linger on unpleasant feelings. If someone important died, they got sad for 2.3 seconds before throwing back their shoulders and facing the next attack from Darth Vader or Nazis.

Maybe I gleaned it from books. I favored big fantasy adventures like The Lord of the Rings and just like the movies, those stories did not dwell on messy feelings like sorrow and loneliness. Even if a character cried, I only had to flip through a couple of pages to get back to the adventure. The message I internalized about life was that emotions deserved very little attention from a heroic character.

Then again, maybe my overdeveloped sense of independence contributed to the way I avoided crying. From an early age, I wanted to be able to do things all by myself. In preschool, I learned how to read. In kindergarten, my mom gave me Ramona and Her Father, a book with chapters and almost no pictures. We sat down on the couch and started to read the book together, but after a few paragraphs, I pulled the book away, insisting I was going to read it by myself. The girl who wanted to read by herself would have loathed asking her parents to help her navigate messy feelings. I had to handle my emotions alone.

Except I did not like the way I felt when I was sad, lonely, embarrassed, or rejected. I learned to shove those feelings away. It was better to listen to some cheerful music and do my homework than to let myself cry when I was dumped two days after my first kiss or when I found out my friends had dressed up in their fanciest clothes and had “prom” at a diner without me.

Whatever the reason, by the time I was in the office of my first therapist, I was determined to be strong and rise above any ugly feelings that might try to ruin my day. Even if that meant acting like everything was fine when my eldest cousin died.


After several sessions, the therapist observed that my medical complaints had started during the spring of my freshman year.

“I guess so.”

“Did anything happen before the spring that might have triggered your fear of dying?”

“Um,” I thought out loud. “I don’t think so.”

The therapist waited.

“My cousin Kim died.”

“Tell me about that.”

I took a deep breath. I had barely spoken of Kim’s death since it had happened. “It was January. I was a freshman. I saw Kim for the last time ever on Christmas Eve . . .”

On my dad’s side of the family, I was the fifth of sixteen grandchildren. Three of my cousins lived in Michigan, but the rest of us were born and raised in Los Angeles. Family gatherings, from barbeques to baptisms, were frequent and crowded with cousins. Christmas Eve was the most important. Since before I was born, everyone had always celebrated Christmas Eve at my Uncle Phil and Aunt Berta’s house. Aunt Berta made lasagna, there was this amazing pink Cool Whip “casserole,” and the house was crowded with about thirty cousins, aunts, uncles and family friends.

“Kim was sick. But not sick like she was going to die. More like sick because she had had the flu for a week.”

I was hanging out with my cousins Emily and Julie on a couch near the Christmas tree. As kids, we had played tag in the backyard with our brothers. When we felt too old for tag, we played poker with pennies and nickels. Now that we were in college, we just liked to sit and gossip. Emily, Julie, and I had gone to the same all-girls Catholic high school and our classmates were always up to something amusing.

Kim came into the living room. She was thirty-one, and I was not quite nineteen. Despite all the family gatherings, I did not know her very well. I had been the sort of kid who wanted to hang out with other kids. I was not interested in grownup lives, and with our age difference, Kim always seemed like an adult to me. I assumed I would get to know her better when I was older myself and we had boring grownup stuff, like mortgages and grocery lists, in common.

Kim was helping her mom get dinner ready. We chatted while she snapped open a tablecloth and smoothed it over a folding table.

“How are the college girls doing? Anyone have a boyfriend?”

“We bantered, and Kim coughed into her arm.

I winced sympathetically. “I heard you had the flu.”

“Had?” Kim laughed. “Try the present tense. This has been the longest flu of my life.”

“Christmas Eve with the flu must be fun.”

“Oh, it’s fantastic.” Kim smiled. “But it’s worth it. This is the first year that Timmy kind of understands what is going on.”

At two and a half, Kim’s son was the baby of the family.

“Then what happened?” My therapist dragged me back to the present day.

“That was the last time I ever talked to her. A couple of days later, she was hospitalized. I wanted to visit but my parents vetoed that idea. But the doctors discharged her and said she was doing better. I came back to Dartmouth for the winter quarter. I forgot about Kim being sick…”

I started to cry and reached for the tissues. I had rarely cried in front of anyone. Hell, I had barely ever cried in solitude.

My parents had called my dorm room on a Sunday morning, waking me up. Kim was gone, they said, she had died the day before, in her sleep. I remember crumpling forward into an origami position of shock—elbows on knees, head in hands, legs numb.

“But the doctors said she was fine. They discharged her from the hospital.”

“I know.” In the background, I thought I could hear my dad crying. He had been only thirteen years old when Kim was born and made him an uncle.

I sobbed so hard, my chest hurt. My roommate got out of bed and hugged me from behind.

“Can I come home for the funeral?”

“Of course. Dad already called the airline. There’s a flight that leaves Boston this afternoon. Can you get packed in time to catch the eleven o’clock mini coach?”

I disentangled myself from my roommate’s hug and forced myself to stop crying as I talked travel logistics with my parents. Then I got in the shower and sobbed alone. I was in brand-new emotional territory. My great-grandmother had died when I was seven; my childhood dog had been put to sleep shortly before my senior year of high school; and that was it. I was not prepared to deal with death, not when I was in New Hampshire, far from my home in Los Angeles, in front of friends I had known for less than four months. Especially not with my lifelong aversion to crappy feelings.

I did not cry for Kim again—not even during the funeral. But now, in my therapist’s office, I found I was crying and in need of the box of tissues. For a moment, my chest felt lighter, as if a darkness were leaving my body, but then my brain got involved and resisted the rush of emotions.

I sniffled and pulled myself back together.

“Sorry about that.”

The therapist shrugged. “That’s fine.”

I was horrified with myself. If I had to be a person who did therapy, at least I could be the sort of person who smiled and acted fine during said therapy.

By our next appointment, I had everything figured out and explained it all to my therapist. “I’ve been acting like a hypochondriac because Kim died suddenly and unexpectedly.”


“She had been taking diet pills that damaged her heart. Fen-phen.” Kim died in January 1997. Less than a year later, the Food and Drug Administration pulled fen-phen off the market. “But at the time she died, we had no idea why she had been sick, so I became anxious that I too might collapse and die without warning. That’s why I’ve been running to the student center for every medical symptom.”

The therapist nodded and tapped his pen against a clipboard. I remember how smug I felt, coming to that conclusion about my anxiety. My conclusion, however, was just a rushed and amateurish attempt at concocting a psychological explanation to put a bandage on the emotional equivalent of a severed limb.

“The next time I get stressed about a medical symptom, I just need to remind myself that I’m being a hypochondriac. Then I can talk myself off the ledge.”

The therapist tapped his pen even faster against the clipboard.

“So I don’t need any more therapy. I’ve resolved my issues. I’m cured.”

With a completely neutral tone of voice, the therapist said, “You think you have resolved all your issues?”

“Yes. Now that I know what is happening, I can control it.”

If I had known the problems my hypochondria would create after I had my first child, I might have been willing to invest a little more time in therapy. Then again, I would never have believed how badly my efforts to conceal my hypochondria would backfire.

Continue reading Chapter Two right here. Or just get the entire book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Scribd, Tolino, Baker & Taylor and Borrow Box.

Adventures With Postpartum Depression: Prologue

I had an idea: I should publish my memoir on my blog. So that is what I am doing. If you want to start at the beginning, you have come to the right place! If you want the actual book, it’s available now on Amazon. I am planning to release it over the summer on other platforms but that’s aspirational. #MomLife.

If I raised my arms in the air and threw Pippa as hard as I could against the hardwood floor, her skull would crack open and her brains would splatter all over the floor.

I gasped and held Pippa closer to me, as if the very thought of throwing her could rip her from my arms. Why did this keep happening? I loved my daughter.

Didn’t I?

What a silly question. Of course I loved Pippa. I had loved her since the moment I learned I was pregnant.

Then why did I keep thinking about throwing her against the floor with all my strength? Why did I keep seeing images of her brains splattered across the room? And why was it getting harder and harder to push the dark thoughts away?

I collapsed on the pink glider in the nursery and patted Pippa’s back. “It’s okay. It’s okay, baby girl, it’s okay.”

Pippa continued wailing. Though it did no good, I kept patting. Maybe she just had an epic burp stuck in her little tummy. I could never tell when she was cranky and when she was just gassy. All her cries sounded the same: loud.

Maybe it wasn’t a burp. What if one of my hairs was wrapped around one of Pippa’s tiny toes and cutting off circulation? I had seen an article about that on Facebook. A baby cried and cried and her mother had no idea that one of her hairs had gotten tangled around a toe and by the time she noticed, it was too late. The toe had to be amputated.

I put Pippa on the changing table and bent over her hands. She was shrieking now, but I had to act quickly before it was too late. I checked her fingers and toes. No errant hairs. I checked them again. Still none. Pippa was wailing, but I could not stop. I checked her thighs, her forearms, her neck. Part of me felt like I was losing my mind, but the other part of me did not care.

I had to know.

I thought I was being extra-vigilant. My baby was only four months old. Anything could hurt her. Anything could kill her. Surely all new mothers took these sorts of precautions.

I was wrong, though. I was not being extra-vigilant to keep my baby safe. Of course, I wanted her to be safe and healthy, but that was not the reason I was checking for anything that might pose a threat to her safety.

I was checking to make myself feel better.

Most of the time, I vibrated and buzzed with anxiety. A ticker tape of worries constantly ran through my mind. My shoulders ached as if I were carrying around extra weight. My stomach twisted and groaned. The blood in my body seemed to be rushing faster than usual through my arteries and veins.

Except when I was checking. When I was examining Pippa’s body for stray hairs, or crouching down to check that the stovetop burners were lit, or unlocking and relocking the front door a dozen times in a row, I calmed down. For those brief moments that I was checking something, my body felt still and calm. I felt like myself.

Finally satisfied that a hair was not cutting off circulation to one of Pippa’s fingers or toes, I picked her up and tried to soothe her again. Her screams got louder. She was going to scream and scream forever and ever and nothing would make it stop unless I threw her as hard as I could—

No no no! I pushed the image out of my mind but too late. I had already glimpsed the horror of Pippa’s skull cracked open and felt the relief of imaginary silence.

I was a monster.

I blinked away tears and patted Pippa’s back, counting to one hundred and then back down to zero.

“It must be the insomnia. The insomnia had started a month ago. I could sleep only three hours at night. The rest of the night, I lay awake in bed, my skin crawling from the constant buzzing of nerves, my mind refusing to slow down. I wanted so desperately to sleep, but my body seemed to have lost the ability to perform that most basic of functions.

If I could stay strong for just a few more days, surely the insomnia would end and I would become the mom Pippa deserved.

Who was I kidding? The insomnia was never going to end. I had given birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl but now my body was broken, shattered into a thousand pieces. No one could ever put me back together.

Thank God, I was wrong about that too.


A few days later, I finally made an appointment with my doctor. She told me that the dark thoughts, the compulsive checking and the sleepless nights was not something that all new mothers experienced. She gave me a diagnosis – postpartum depression – and asked me to admit myself to the hospital for psychiatric care. I agreed and in less than seventy-two hours, I felt like a new person, a phoenix risen from the ashes.

After four days in the hospital, I was ready to reclaim my life. I worked with a cognitive behavioral psychologist to dismantle my anxiety and confront the traumatic parts of my illness. Within a few months of my hospitalization, my psychologist and I decided I had made a full recovery from postpartum depression.

But I was not done.

For almost my entire life, I had forced myself to live within narrow parameters that I thought would make me successful, like studying hard, going to law school, and working at big law firms, but the things that were supposed to make me feel happy made me miserable. Looking back, I know now that my sensitivity to hormonal fluctuations all but guaranteed that I would experience postpartum[…]”

“Looking back, I know now that my sensitivity to hormonal fluctuations all but guaranteed that I would experience postpartum depression. The way I had been living my life, however, turned an illness into a crisis.

During my recovery, I did some intensive soul-searching and discovered new ways to feel like my most authentic self. I stopped worrying about what everyone else thought and started listening to my intuition. I filled my life with joy, meaning and fulfillment.

This is the story of how postpartum depression was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Want to keep reading? Chapter One is posted for your reading pleasure. Would you rather read the actual book? Head over to Amazon for your copy of Adventures With Postpartum Depression: A Memoir.

Episode 26: Maternal Mental Health Is A Journey, Not A Destination

This episode is also appearing as Episode 87 for my first podcast Adventures With Postpartum Depression.

The therapist I mentioned is Tiffany Roe. I love her work and highly recommend her podcast Therapy Thoughts, her newsletter, her IG feed… I’m obsessed, okay? Check her out!

In this week’s episode, I talk about maternal mental health because it’s Maternal Mental Health Week 2021. Woot woot! One week a year is not enough for maternal mental health. We should be talking about it all the time.

As I was brainstorming ideas for this episode, I thought about how in my own work as a mental health activist, I often focus on postpartum depression. I love talking about postpartum depression because there is still a stigma around that illness, but maternal mental health does not end there.

Mental health is not a destination. It’s a journey that lasts our entire lives. We sometimes reach way stations where we can relax and take in the view but there is always more to be done. New level, new devil. And that’s great! I love the work of becoming my most authentic self, and that work includes keeping my mental health as robust as possible.

Mental health matters and I’m excited to keep talking about it on my podcast.

Ep. 25 The Mirrors That Reflect Our Inner Work

Life Currently:

  • Pippa is in week 2 of hybrid school. As of the time that I am writing these show notes, she has been to four whole days of in-person school as a second grader. Poor kid has to haul so much stuff to school that I got her a rolling backpack.
  • I have to keep reminding myself that this is hard and I’m burned out.
  • We got Mario Kart set up on our Nintendo Switch and it is so! much! fun! I might not watch television again in 2021. I’d rather be playing Mario Kart.

And now, mirrors!

I started thinking about mirrors while reading The Push by Ashley Audrain. The book is about a mother who becomes convinced that something is wrong with her daughter — she doesn’t behave like other children — but her husband insists it is all in her head. The more her husband dismisses her fears, the more Blythe questions her sanity. (By the way, I was only halfway done with the book at the time of recording this episode, but I finished it yesterday and I decided it merited five out of five stars on Goodreads.)   

As I listened to the audiobook, I found myself wondering if the main character had postpartum depression. Then I realized that I was inclined to think she had PPD because of my personal postpartum experiences. That got me to wondering about how other readers would interpret Blythe’s experience. A reader with marital issues might think The Push is a book about a marriage. A feminist reader might think this book exemplifies the way the patriarchy makes women think they are losing their minds. The book acts as a mirror for our personal experiences.

Art does this. I know, I know, I’m stating the obvious. But as a mom with a brain drained by distance learning, this feels like a revelation. When I am reading a book, or looking at a painting, or watching a television show, my reaction to that art clues me into the way I see the world. Then I can root out my biases and explore my beliefs and figure out more of the inner work I need to do. Pretty bitching!

Dreams are also excellent mirrors. During my last therapy session way back in September 2020, my therapist told me, “Pay attention to your dreams!” I have been doing just that, and my dreams regularly reveal insights and thoughts that guide my inner work.

The night before I recorded this podcast episode, I dreamed that my family was on a road trip and we stopped at an ice skating rink. We had to wait for the rink to be serviced. We were so excited to go ice skating! When we were finally allowed on the ice, I found that it was melting and cracking. The ice on the far end of the rink was breaking and people were falling into water. I was separated from my family so I skated to the exit and I was so relieved when Nathan and the kids got off the rink, dry and safe. We were disappointed that the rink had collapsed but we decided to continue our road trip.

I wrote about this dream in my journal. What did it mean? What message was my subconscious sending? I decided the ice represented expectations and its cracking represented how my expectations often crack beneath the weight of reality. Is my interpretation of my dream right? Who cares! The point is that the interpretation resonated with me, and my dream successfully mirrored back work I need to do. I need to work on releasing my expectations and continue the road trip of life when reality crushes my expectations.

Other people also act as mirrors for my inner work, especially people who annoy me. Byron Katie talks about this extensively in her work. I highly recommend her books and podcast.

Finally, I mentioned at the end of the episode that signs can act as mirrors for our inner work. Pay attention to the things you notice. Your subconscious or the Universe (whatever floats your boat) is trying to get your attention. If you keep noticing something, ask yourself why. The answers might surprise you.

Ep. 24 Pandemic Philosophy

Wow, these show notes are grossly overdue! And you know what? That’s totally fine. I’m doing my best and my best is far from perfect. In this episode, I talk about the the thoughts, that are helping me stay sane as we finally – FINALLY – enter the hybrid hellscape.

Those thoughts (discussed at greater length in the episode) are:

  • Surrender
  • Releasing expectations
  • Change is the only certainty, so embrace it
  • Uncertainty is always there
  • I can’t pour from an empty cup
  • The butterfly has to struggle to get out of the cocoon or its wings won’t be strong enough to fly

Okay, now I’m going to make the Episode 25 show notes! Doing my best to stay sane! It’s not easy! But I’m doing it anyway!

A Rant From The Time A Man Invaded The Woman’s Locker Room

A post from four years ago showed up in my Facebook Memories today. It still relevant and necessary, so I’m sharing it here:

Can I rant? Because I need to rant and I refuse to be the complacent, meek, well-mannered lady that some idiots expect me to be. Because when I feel violated, even if the violation seems small, I will still roar. I can be sweet and loving and compassionate and still fierce and strong and brave.

here’s what happened: after Zumba today at my gym, while I was naked and wet in the shower, a female janitor who spoke very little English told us that men were coming into the locker room. That was it, no more info.

Apparently the men — there were three of them — averted their eyes and did not look, nevermind the fact that there are mirrors everywhere. Apparently the manager – a man – asked some women who were fully clothed if it was okay for them to come in, and those women said yes. so why bother asking the naked women in the showers – there were many of us – if it’s okay to send three men into the locker room? Apparently they only went to check on the toilets. But hey, the toilets are in between the showers and the lockers, where our clean clothes were waiting. Apparently they just needed a few minutes, but no one told us how long it would be. how long we had to wait naked in the showers. apparently they hung a sign ten minutes before they went into the locker room — but I’m not an idiot, I can tell time, I know I entered the locker at 9:35 and the men were there before 9:45. That’s not ten minutes!

Was it rape? Was it assault? of course not. but it’s all the small little violations that make it easier for men to do the horrible things that still happen every day, every hour, every minute, to women all over the world.

And so what am I supposed to do? Join a less convenient gym? Or go back to this gym, in fear it will happen again? NO. I called corporate headquarters and I’m following up, and if this happens again, then I’ll decide what I’m doing next. because I should not feel scared away from the gym I love because a male manager does not get it. Does not get that this is my body, it is sacred, it is beautiful and I’m not rolling over and playing dead just because this is the way he has been inspecting lockers for years and no one has complained. i’m not taking his word on this. and even if no one has complained, that does not mean it is right.

Part of me is scared and, having complained to the manager, wants to avoid this gym because he won’t like me now. But you know what? I’m done with staying silent about little violations just to make sure some man in charge of my gym like me. I don’t care if he or anyone else likes me. You don’t get to trample over my right to privacy. And maybe this manager hates me now. Maybe he thinks I’m a pain in the ass because I called corporate hq and made a complaint. That’s fine. Why do I want him to like me anyway? I am braver than that. I will keep going to my gym, my favorite Zumba classes, and I will keep complaining if necessary, and I will roar even if the violation seems small, even if the male manager is ignorant as to what it means to be a woman, because though I may be sweet and loving, I am a fierce bad ass.

I get chills reading this. Go, me! What a bad ass. I feel inspired by Courtney From Four Years Ago to keep standing up for myself and being fierce. ROAR!

The Great 2021 Blogging Experiment

At the beginning of the year, I picked a bunch of 2021 projects, knowing that some would stick and others would not. One of those projects was The Great 2021 Blogging Experiment. I would try to blog every weekday of 2021 and see what happened.

From January 1, 2021 until March 20, 2021, I blogged every freaking weekday. I loved it.

This week, though, I dived into revisions for the third draft of my Room Mom Com. Blogging every weekday stopped feeling fun and started feeling forced, contrived, and stale. I felt guilty about this for a few days, and then I remembered: change is good and mysterious and magical. I started The Great 2021 Blogging Experiment and I have the authority to end it whenever I damn well want.

So that’s what I’m doing.

Breaking News

The Great 2021 Blogging Experiment has run it’s course. I am not going to blog every weekday simply for the sake of blogging every weekday when I feel called to do other work.

How often will I blog going forward? Beats the shit out of me! Maybe I’ll blog every other day. Maybe I’ll blog weekly. Maybe I’ll actually start sending a weekly newsletter and ditch blogging altogether. I will follow my intuition and see where it leads me.

10 Things Making Me Feel Incredibly Grateful

1) Jen Sincero’s new book Badass Habits

2) Glorious California weather

3) Affirmations – I have embraced affirmations and I’m not turning back!

4) Daylight Savings

5) Reading A Series Of Unfortunate Events with Pippa (we are nearly done with the third book)

6) Expanding our vegetable garden for summer – hello, cherry tomatoes!

7) Eating lunch today INSIDE a restaurant with Pippa

8) Listening to Julian tell me all about salmon runs – the boy loves animals

9) Wireless headphones

10) Getting to see my 95 year old grandma on Sunday for the first time since before Thanksgiving

Embracing My Growth Mindset

I have been doing a lot of work lately with my beliefs. I am taking inventory of my beliefs – the good, the bad, and the appallingly ugly. I am ushering out the ones that no longer serve me (goodbey, toxic beliefs inherited from the patriarchy!) and welcoming new radiant beliefs.

Here’s one belief I really want to embrace: I can improve myself and grow in my abilities if I put in the effort. This belief is called a “growth mindset.”

The opposite of a growth mindset is a “fixed mindset.” A person with a fixed mindset believes that she is born with set talents and no amount of effort will make them better.

I used to have a fixed mindset, but that belief no longer serves me. It holds me back from trying new things that I feel called to do. Also, it is just not true! I have seen, again and again, how I can improve myself and grow in my abilities when I put in the effort.

I put in the effort after I had postpartum depression and become a less anxious person.

I put in the effort when I wrote my memoir and learned how to write a book. Trust me, the first draft was really, really shitty. But I worked with an editor and learned how to transform the shitty draft into an actual book.

Now I am putting in the effort to change my relationship with food. Noom is helping me tremendously on that front. I have struggled with my weight for nearly thirty years. A fixed mindset tells me that I am doomed to be overweight for the rest of my life.

Fuck that.

I am embracing the growth mindset. I can change. I am changing. I am using my weight loss journey as an opportunity to learn how to love myself in the way the Universe wants me to love my sweet, glorious, magnificent self. So what if I have struggled for nearly thirty years? I know that with work and effort, I can change.