I Got A New Desk And My Life Is Already Better

Operation: Reclaim the House

Week One, January 1-7, 2022


As part of Operation: Reclaim The House, I am giving the kids their own bedrooms. Julian will keep the room they share, and Pippa gets our guest room/office/disaster zone. This is where my desk lived:

It certainly has character.

The desk fits the window nook perfectly, and Pippa needs a desk, so I decided she would inherit the desk with the room BUT WHAT ABOUT ME? I’m a writer! I need somewhere to write! Then I realized the window in our living room is the perfect spot for a desk. I ordered myself this desk from Amazon, set it up yesterday, and I am officially obsessed.

Why didn’t I think of this before? Probably because I was busy with babies and then preschoolers and pandemics. But seriously: why didn’t I think of this sooner?

I’m so happy!

Next up: Painting Pippa’s future bedroom. This will be my first time painting a room (gulp) but how hard can it be? [Insert hysterical laughter]

The Five Best Books That I Read In 2021

My book club thought it would be fun for everyone to share their five favorite books from 2021 at our next meeting. I finally whittled my list down to five. Here they are:

  1. The Push: A Novel by Ashley Audrain.

I devoured this psychological thriller. My friend Adrian picked it for our book club during the first half of 2021, and we were still talking about it in December. If I ever make a list of books that are perfect for book clubs, this will be at the top of it.

2. Anxious People: A Novel by Fredrik Backman.

J’aime Fredrik Bakman. I would read his shopping list. As I write this post, Anxious People is the #1 Dark Humor book on Amazon but this is not simply a funny book. Backman’s characters and stories have a lot of depth, and this one is no exception.

3. The Book of Longings: A Novel by Sue Monk Kidd.

What if Jesus had a wife? What would her story be? As a former Catholic school girl, I was immediately hooked by this premise, and the book did not disappoint. I am now really interested in the stories of forgotten women of history.

4. How to Raise An Adult by Julie-Lythcott-Haims.

Damn, I wish I could make How to Raise An Adult mandatory reading for every parent. Or really, every human being – even if you don’t have kids, you will eventually become an adult! Oh my god, if you are at all intrigued by the subtitle, please read this book immediately if not sooner.

5. The Once and Favorite Witches, by Alix Harrow.

This was my absolute favorite book of 2021 – and I’m not just saying that because I picked it for my book club’s October read. Witches! Suffragists! Folklore! It’s the Mists of Avalon for the Salem witches but better.

I listened to the audiobooks for all of my picks, but the audio version of The Once and Future Witches gets an A+++. It involves music that really enhances the story. I hope whoever produced it wins a lot of awards.

A Brave New World: The Intuitive Eating Edition

I quit Noom.

I broke up with diet culture.

2022 is the year I reclaim my body and heal my relationship with food.

I have tingles just writing these things. Good tingles. Excited tingles!

I joined Noom in February 2020. I weighed 209 pounds. I lost twenty pounds. Then I regained some. Lost some. Regained some. My weight crept up and up until I weighed in at 230 pounds in November 2021.

God I am so sick of dieting and diet culture and all the shame, shame, so much fucking shame.

I wrote plenty of blog posts about Noom and the things I was learning and how I was convinced that this was it. This was the “lifestyle change” that was going to help me reach my “goal weight” whatever the fuck that means. I will keep those posts – for now. (Though writing this, I find myself thinking it would be very cathartic to delete them!)

Noom asks “Noomers” to step on the scale every. single. morning. I have not stepped on a scale since before sometime before Christmas. I do not know how much I weigh right now.

Why do I feel like I have escape a cult?

In 2022, I am working to Reclaim My Life. From January through March, I am focusing on Reclaiming My House. Then, I will switch gears and focus on Reclaiming My Body for three months. But even though my focus is currently on decluttering, cleaning, and changing up our home, I am already reclaiming my body.

Step One: I started reading Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating, by Christy Harrison. The book is dredging up all sorts of feelings. I am feeling a lot of resistance along the lines of, But I want to be thin! If I stop dieting, won’t I be fat forever? Can’t I be thin? Why am I doomed to be fat? I am going to feel these feelings, explore my resistance, and listen to my inner voice.

I do not know where my inner voice will take me, but I do know this: for years, my inner voice has been pointing me toward intuitive eating. Maybe I will embrace intuitive eating for the rest of my life. Maybe my inner voice will lead me somewhere else next. But I know that magic happens when I listen to my inner voice, so I am diving into intuitive eating.

I have no idea what I’m doing.

I’m terrified but also elated.

And I feel this comforting cozy peace, like I have arrived somewhere that I am meant to be.

It’s a brave new world. I don’t know what it looks like, but I know it does not involve Noom.

Episode 30: Twenty-two Projects in 2022

Happy New Year! My kids went back to school today — but for how long? With the Omnicron variant here, I’m keeping low expectations for January. After all the holiday hootenanny, I suspect someone in my kids’ classes will test positive for Covid, leading to quarantining, etc.

I’m buying video games as an insurance policy on our January mental health.

In the meantime, I’m starting twenty-two projects to keep my momentum strong in 2022. Projects make me happy. I realized this when I read The How of Happiness: A New Approach To Getting The Life You Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky. (That’s the book whose name I could not remember during the episode!) I was inspired by Gretchen Rubin to pick twenty-two projects for ’22.

I’ve already listed my projects in an earlier blog post, but I love you so I’ll list them again here:

  1. Knit Christmas stockings (this won’t happen if I wait until December!)
  2. Catch up on family photos albums.
  3. Set the kids up with their own bedrooms.
  4. Paint the kitchen cupboards.
  5. “Finish” decluttering (though I realize this will be a continuous work in progress).
  6. Deep clean the house.
  7. Publish my first novel.
  8. Write the rough draft of my second room mom novel.
  9. Go boogie boarding five times.
  10. Get a ping pong table.
  11. Read 100 books for myself.
  12. Cook with mushrooms – try twelve new recipes that involve our favorite fungi!
  13. Use my button maker. (Christmas gift I bought for myself.)
  14. Get a new enamel pin every month.
  15. Learn how to play the Super Mario Bros. theme on the piano.
  16. Create another graphics heavy book in the tradition of The Distance Learning Activity Book For Parents Just Barely Holding On To Their Last Shred of Sanity
  17. Learn a tap dance routine to Footloose.
  18. Decorate with pompoms.
  19. Go to Hogwarts at Universal Studios with Pippa.
  20. Study Carl Jung.
  21. Put family pictures in seasonal frames to rotate throughout the year.
  22. Get a posh trash can for the kitchen.

Thanks for listening! And reading! Or both!

Operation: Reclaim My Life. Four Quarters To A Better Me In 2022.

Over the past several months, the word “reclaim” has floated into my consciousness again and again. When I look at our messy house, I do not simply think about decluttering; I want to reclaim our home. When I practice hot yoga, I meditate on reclaiming my body. And when I journal about my beliefs and values, I yearn to reclaim my authentic self. Again and again, in different contexts, I think about reclaiming my life.

That is why, on the eve of 2022, I decided “reclaim” would be my word of the year.

While brainstorming ways to “reclaim my life”, I realized my work could be divided into four categories: home; body; inner child; and stories. The year divides nicely into quarters, so I will focus on each category for three months. Here’s my plan:

January-March: Reclaim the House. Declutter, deep clean, organize and start decorating.

April-June: Reclaim My Body. Quit diet culture. Adore my body. Move in ways that feel right to me.

July-September: Reclaim My Inner Child. Play! Have fun! Follow my curiosity! Be my most bitching, radiant self!

October-December: Reclaim My Stories. My words. My beliefs. My values. My canon.

Oh my goodness, I am so excited for my Reclaim Series.With Operation: Reclaim the House, I will clear out the junk and create space and energy for my other work. By the end of March, our house will be whipped into shape and I’ll have systems to keep it tidy. I’m sure I will still have work to do in terms of decorating (e.g. painting our kitchen cupboards white) but I’ll be ready to move on to…

… Operation: Reclaim My Body. That work has already started with hot yoga. But I am going to read up on intuitive eating, get massages, and shower my body with love. I imagine I’ll also invest in some new clothes. I have a few months to brainstorm this!

In July, I’ll switch gears to Operation: Reclaim My Inner Child. We have a pool, and I’ll have my own personal summer camp. My inner child is already doing backflips.

And then I’ll end the year with Operation: Reclaim My Stories. This work will require the most brainstorming, so I’m saving it for last. But I suspect that wihile I deep cleaning and decluttering our house this month, I will hit upon a few ideas to deep clean and declutter my soul all year long.

22 New Year Projects in ’22

As I’ve mentioned in my last couple of posts, I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. Instead, I do projects. After binging the December episodes of Gretchen Rubin’s podcast, I’ve decided to start 22 projects at the beginning of 2022. Will I complete all of them? Probably not, but I love to see what happens.

Without further ado, my 22 in ’22 are:

  1. Knit Christmas stockings (this won’t happen if I wait until December!)
  2. Catch up on family albums.
  3. Set the kids up with their own bedrooms.
  4. Paint the kitchen cupboards.
  5. “Finish” decluttering (though I realize this will be a continuous work in progress).
  6. Deep clean the house.
  7. Publish my first novel.
  8. Write the rough draft of my second room mom novel.
  9. Go boogie boarding five times.
  10. Get a ping pong table.
  11. Read 100 books for myself.
  12. Cook with mushrooms – try twelve new recipes that involve our favorite fungi!
  13. Use my button maker. (Christmas gift I bought for myself.)
  14. Get a new enamel pin every month.
  15. Learn how to play the Super Mario Bros. theme on the piano.
  16. Create another graphics heavy book in the tradition of The Distance Learning Activity Book For Parents Just Barely Holding On To Their Last Shred of Sanity
  17. Learn a tap dance routine to Footloose.
  18. Decorate with pompoms.
  19. Go to Hogwarts at Universal Studios with Pippa.
  20. Study Carl Jung.
  21. Put family pictures in seasonal frames to rotate throughout the year.
  22. Get a posh trash can for the kitchen.

I love the range of this list from “publish my first novel” to “get a posh trash can” with some craft projects thrown in for good measure. I tried to make the list specific, e.g. “learn how to play the Super Mario Bros. theme on the piano” rather than “play the piano more often.”

I originally had “no dieting” on the list, but instead, I’ve decided to do someting new. I like to pick a word for the year. My 2021 word was “momentum.” After a lot of back and forth, I’ve finally picked a word for 2022: Reclaim.

I have “work” that I am going to do in regards to my 2022 word of the year, but I’ll write about that in my January 2022 blog posts. In the meantime, I have to get started on our favorite pot pies* for New Year’s Eve dinner.

*I was going to post the link, but my internet is being weird and cranky. It’s the Smitten Kitchen recipe for Better Pot Pies and mmm, so delicious. It’s the perfect cozy recipe to end the year.

Why I Hate Resolutions But Love New Year’s Projects

New Year’s Resolutions do not work for me. I have made my fair share of them — lose weight! quit caffeine! don’t eat refined sugar! — but they never seem to stick. I lose ten pounds and then gain thirty. I quit caffeine and then guzzle more than ever. I abstain from refined sugar for a few weeks only to go on a sugar bender that would make Willy Wonka blush. Then I feel like a failure and wallow in shame, guilt and self-loathing.

But projects? As I mentioned yesterday, I love projects!

I start more projects than I finish. Exhbit A: the projects I started at the beginning of 2021 to rebuild my momentum. But I never feel guilty when I abandon a project. If anything, I feel empowered by my decision to curtail something that is not working for me.

Maybe I am quibbling over semantics, but for me, a “resolution” feels foreboding and stern while a “project” is fun and joyful. That is why I do not make New Year’s Resolutions anymore. Instead, I choose some aspirational projects.

(Side note: I’m sure that for many of you, the word “project” conjures up intense nausea and the desire to hide under the nearest coffee table. Isn’t it amazing how the same word can make one person giddy and another violently ill?)

As I explained in yesterday’s post, I started a lot of projects at the beginning of 2021. And then, I forgot about or abandoned most of them. On paper, my 2021 New Year’s Projects look like an unmitigated failure, but I regard them as a huge triumph. I started my 2021 projects to ignite my momentum, and holy shit, I accomplished just that.

Did I maintain my soda fast? No, but I returned to the hot yoga studio and ended the year feeling healthier than ever.

Did I blog every day? Dear God, no. But I got our first pet hamster, expanded our veggie garden, and started mowing our lawn.

Did I French braid my hair 100 times? No, but I became our school’s Room Parent Coordinator, reclaimed my role as cookie czar for Pippa’s scout troop, and became an AYSO referee.

Did I tap dance? Only a few times, but I joined Obé and did a ton of fitness classes including cardio dance.

Did I go down 100 different slides? No, but I got boogie boards for the kids, caught many waves myself, and reconnected with a childhood passion.

Some might think that I should have picked and finished just one or two projects — but that’s not my style. I complete plenty of projects (hello, Adventures With Postpartum Depression) but magical things happen when I start more projects than I can ever hope to finish. That’s my process, and as a recovering perfectionist, it gives me the space to try, fail and keep on trying. Some things will stick. Some will not. Either way, starting lots of projects at the beginning of a new year builds my momentum; momentum boosts my mental health; and then I can be my best damn self.

That is exactly how I feel on the eve of 2022: like my best damn self.

Now if you will please excuse me, I need to finish planning some bitching projects for 2022. I want to keep my magical momentum moving!

The Mighty Magic Of Momentum: The 2021 Edition

Once upon a time, I was hospitalized for postpartum depression. During my stay in the psych ward, I attended three group sessions with three different therapists. (This is what happens when you stay over the weekend). All three therapists insisted on talking about MOMENTUM.

On the subject of momentum, each therapist preached that if we sit in a chair all the time, it is really difficult to summon the energy to get off of the chair. But if you get off of the chair once, the second time is easier. And if you keep getting off the damn chair, you build up momentum until it takes practically no effort to get up at all.

At the time, this sounded like horse shit.

Then again, when I was in the murky depths of depression, all the advice I received about my recovery sounded like horse shit.

But I digress.

About a month after my release from the hospital, I started realizing that maybe the therapists knew a thing or two about momentum. I took my baby on walks; then I took her to the mall; then I joined a mommy and me class; and before I knew it, I was taking my daughter to museums and botanical gardens and gasp, making mom friends. The more I went out with my baby, the easier it was until it became second nature.

Fast forward to 2020. Remember 2020? Yeah, me too. Those first shutdowns did a number on my momentum. And by “did a number,” I mean “dialed it back to zero and broke off the knob.” I lost all my momentum. Actually, that’s an exaggeration. I did keep writing and I managed to finish the first draft of a fantasy novel by the end of May 2020. But otherwise, I was in survival mode. I took a walk in the morning, let my husband take over the cooking, and fell into a deep rut. By July 2020, I was depressed and anxious. I went back on Zoloft but knew from my experience with postpartum depression that I needed to rebuild my momentum.

This called for some projects.

Oh my god, I love projects. When I tackle projects, I want to do more projects; and doing one project gives me the energy for five more. In October 2020, I created The Distance Learning Activity Book For Parents Just Barely Holding On To Their Last Shred Of Sanity. That project saved me. That’s why as I headed into 2021, I decided to embrace ALL THE PROJECTS and focus on MOMENTUM for an entire year.

I wrote all about it right here.

How did it go? Well, as I detail below, most of the projects I picked were technically a bust but I rebuilt my momentum and then some. So though most of the individual projects were an “F,” my 2021 Momentum Project was an effervescent success. Let’s look at the individual projects (because I crave closure, damnit):

My Soda Fast: [insert laugh track] I am in a fully committed relationship with Coke Zero.I abandoned this project with zest.

Blog every weekday: This last through March and then I went on a loooooong blogging hiatus.

Room Mom Novel: I worked on this all year and I am ready to send my first novel to an editor in January 2022 – woot woot!

Learn French: I did not make it through as many Duolingo lessons as I intended, but I practiced nearly every day and slowly but surely, I’m learning French.

Roller skating, tap dancing, playing the piano – no, no, no

Post on IG daily – not even close.

Walk an average of 12,000 steps a day: I stopped keeping track BUT I got back into Hot Yoga with a vengeance. I also went on some hikes and walked an ass shit ton.

Weekly tarot card reading: I did this for a few months and then lost interest. Probably because I put my deck in a drawer and forgot about it. Oops.

Read 100 books for myself – I’d like to write another post about the books I read in 2021. I definitely read 100+ books this year but that includes the Captain Underpants series with Julian. I’m going to try this one again in 2022.

25 craft projects: I did plenty of crochet and knitting and had a fling with punch needle but I stopped keeping track. And did not seek as much variety as I initially hoped.

100 new recipes: I doubt I hit this number BUT I tried a ton of new recipes and new cookbooks and seriously leveled up my cooking game.

Go down 100 slides: I totally forgot about this! But I went down a huge slide at an indoor playground yesterday, so there’s that.

Visit 50 different places: maybe? the problem here is that I kept track of my goals on paper, but the paper got messy, and I got annoyed and threw it out. Note to self: track goals on my computer as well!

French braid my hair 100 times: no, but I’m getting better and damnit, I am going to plug away at this project.

Okay, so that’s the scoop on my 2021 projects. Like I said, more Fs than As (though the work I did on the room mom novel was AMAZING). But the Fs do not matter because Courtney got her momentum back. I’ll explain more in my next blog post. (and yes! there will be another blog post! Because momentum!)