My exercise habits are constantly changing. A lifetime ago, when I was a miserable lawyer, I went to gyms and often worked with personal trainers. I clanged down metal weights and logged God-knows-how-many miles on ellipticals, treadmills and steppers.
After I had Pippa, I discovered Zumba and went to as many classes as possible at my gym. I loved Zumba. But the classes were crowded, and I did not have the time to queue up just to get a spot, so gradually, I returned to the ellipticals, treadmills and steppers. Sometimes I used the weight machines. But I was not feeling particularly inspired by my exercise routine.

I quit the gym a couple of years ago and started walking outside. Then I added in hot yoga classes. I loved the combination of walking and hot yoga.
And then you know what happened in March 2020.
I kept walking! Walking kept me sane. I walked farther and farther and explored new neighborhoods near my house.
Last summer, I embraced strength training. I bought resistance bands and free weights and created a Pinterest board for different moves. I lifted weights about three times a week for twenty minutes and walked at least an hour each day. For cardio, I added 3-2-1 intervals to my walks – three minutes at a mild pace, two minutes moderate, and one minute as fast as I could walk. By the end of 2020, I felt healthier than ever.
But recently, I felt like I was in a rut. I was getting bored with my strength and cardio. I tripped a few weeks ago and tweaked my ankle. As my ankle recovered, I found that I did not want to resume my 3-2-1 walking intervals. When I was walking, I wanted to walk at the pace that felt right for me at that particular moment. I also found myself avoiding my weights. I only did strength training a few times in February. My exercise routine felt blah, blah, blah.
Then an ad for Obé Fitness popped up in my Instagram feed. I felt instantly drawn to the image of instructors in pastel rooms.

I read some online reviews. I hemmed, I hawed. My Resistance put up a damn good fight.
On Saturday, I signed up for my free trial and did a dance workout in my kitchen.

I had so much fun! By the end of class, I felt energized and vibrant and fully alive. I could not wait to do another class.
This morning, I did a strength class. The description called for eight pound weights, but I used my five pounders. Wow! I have never enjoyed strength training so much.
When my free trial is over, I will definitely be continuing with the monthly Obé subscription. It’s $27/month, which is pricier than a lot of streaming fitness services, but for me, it’s money well spent. I’m already excited to do another cardio class tomorrow and might even do a stretching class this afternoon. I forgot how good exercise can make me feel. I still want to keep walking an average of 12,000 steps/day, but now I am ready to up my game in the cardio and strength department.
I have officially bust out of my fitness rut!