What’s Working For Me In The Wellness Department

This blog post is a big dump of all the things currently working for me in the wellness department:

50 Mg Zoloft: Every morning. I am paying attention to my PMS and might chat with my psychiatrist about increasing my Zoloft toward the end of my cycle.

30 Mg of Mirtazipane: At bedtime

Morning Supplements: Vitamin D, Vitamin B, and Fish Oil (and I need to get better about taking my Vitamin B. I have a “genetic mutation” that decreases my brain’s ability to process Vitamin B, so I should be taking my vitamin B also after lunch and dinner.)

Evening Supplement: Calm. I mix a half teaspoon of the powder with a little hot water and drink it before bedtime.

Weaning off Caffeine: I’m down to 32 ounces of Coke Zero in the morning. This is a huge reduction from where I was two months ago. I’m reducing slowly, one ounce every day or two, to avoid the crankiness of caffeine withdrawal.

Very Little Refined Sugar: Basically, sugar fucks with me. When I told a friend that I’ve basically given up refined sugar, she said I have tremendous willpower. I don’t. I just know how lousy it makes me feel, and I don’t like the sugar hangover or sugar insomnia.

Almost Zero Alcohol: I have never been a big drinker. These days, if I drink, it’s wine, probably white, and I can go weeks or even months between a glass. Alcohol makes me sleepy but also interferes with my sleep, so as much as I love a good glass of wine, the effects are too rough for me.

Hot Yoga: 2-3x a week.

Tennis lessons: Once a week, and so much fun. It’s great cardio.

Walking: I aim for 12,000 steps on the days I don’t do hot yoga.

Journaling: Almost every morning. Occasionally I skip on the weekend.

Tracking: I’m using the Lose It app to track what I eat. Not always. But often enough so I eat consciously and intentionally.

Crochet and Cross Stitch: One or both, every day.

Blogging: Yep! Blogging counts as a self-care tool if it boosts your overall wellness.

A monthly massage: I’m so privileged to have the time and money to do this. In fact, I’m getting a massage in one hour!

And a monthly facial: I get my massages and facials at Massage Envy, but damn, gas and food are so expensive. I might switch to a bimonthly or quarterly facial.

Slowing Down and Volunteering Less: No PTA. No room mom’ing. No AYSO coaching. It’s sublime.

Duolingo: Motherhood can be slow and boring. Where’s the intellectual challenge in chauffeuring your kids to school and activities? Learning French keeps my neurons firing!

Revising a novel: I’m a writer, so if I don’t write, I feel bat shit crazy.

Cleaning our house: There’s something very satisfying about cleaning a room.

Decluttering: Slowly but surely, I’m reclaiming our house.

Fresh air and time in nature: Of vital importance to my soul.

Reading: I’m a bookworm! I was reading a lot more audiobooks than actual book-books, but recently, I’ve been taking the time to read, and only read, in the late afternoon or evening. Audiobooks are great, but I feel compelled to do chores and clean when I’m listening to one. Sitting with a book is so relaxing.

Bullet Journaling: My weekly bullet journal spread keeps me sane and organized.

I’m sure I’ll think of ten more things to add to this list as soon as I hit publish, but this is enough for now!