Ep. 38: It’s Fall Y’All!

Autumn is here! First, I reflect on ways to welcome the change of seasons. This is what I’m planning to try tomorrow:

  • Take the kids on a nature walk and look for signs of summer leaving and autumn arriving. Hopefully we can find some acorns and pinecones. Update: we went to Descanso and found acorns!
  • Bust out my pumpkin scrub and pumpkin body butter from Trader Joes and enjoy the fall aromas during my shower while scrubbing away that dead summer skin.
  • Read a few autumn poems.

Then, since it’s autumn, of course I need a new bucket list:

Finally, the book I keep mentioning is Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski. It is soooo freaking good. I’m nearly done and excited to reread all the passages I highlighted.

Have a lovely Autumn Equinox!