My New Mindset For Days the Kids Are Home Sick

Pippa is home sick from school today with either allergies or a cold – it’s hard to tell sometimes! But if I had to bet, I’d say allergies. This is the third week of school and I’m yet to have a normal week. Let’s recap:

  • Week One: Julian missed the first two days of school because of a nasty sprained ankle.
  • Week Two: School was closed on Monday thanks to Hurricane Hillary; and then Wednesday was a half-day for Back to School Night.
  • Week Three: And here we are with Pippa’s allergies on Thursday.

Next week is Labor Day, so I’m feeling like I’ll never have a week with both kids at school for five straight days. That there will always be something popping up to mess with my schedule and that it will always be this way, forever and ever.

I could resist this way of thinking and give myself a cheerful pep talk. Don’t worry, Courtney! You’ll have several weeks in a row with healthy, injury-free kids and you’ll get plenty of time to write, exercise, and clean the house.

Or, I could embrace it.

This is my current season of life with a fourth-grader and a first-grader. They get sick. Shit happens. Again and again. I could give myself pep talks and pretend like I’m nearly through the rough patch and then it will be sunshine and dancing bunnies, or I could put on my big girl pants and accept that between Pippa and Julian, I’ll have sick children home at least twenty days during the 2023-24 school year. At least twenty times, I’ll have to cancel plans and rearranged my schedule and delay a trip to the grocery store because one of my babies is sick.

So why don’t I plan for that? Just accept the fact that having a child home sick every week or two is normal, and that having both kids in school for five days straight is a luxury. Let me rejoice in the fact that as a stay-at-home mom/writer, I can stay home and let my kids get the rest and recuperation they need.

Going forward, this is my new mindset:

  • The kids will get sick and be home at random times throughout the year. Perfect attendance is a myth. A week with both kids at school for five days straight is a blessing, but I don’t need it. I can stay sane and get shit done while having one or two children underfoot.
  • When Pippa and/or Julian are home, we will watch a movie together. (Today Pippa and I watched The Hunger Games.)
  • But if I’m well, I’ll also clean the house while they watch YouTube and movies and rest. If the house is immaculate, I’ll declutter.
  • If I’m not well, I’ll double down on resting and we can watch a second movie together.
  • If possible, I’ll also spend an hour or two working on my novel. Honestly, the kids don’t want me up their butts every minute, even if they are home with allergies or sprained ankles.

With that new mindset, I’m going to work on revisions and then clean the kitchen!

p.s. The house is never immaculate, so I’ll never be short of things to do when the kids are home with allergies, viruses, and sprained ankles.