Episode 34: Setting My Intentions For The 2023-24 School Year

It’s been over a year since I recorded a podcast episode! Eep! But I’m ba-ack. And although it took several tries, I’m so proud of myself for including the adorable widget so you can play the episode right here if you fancy.

In this episode, I catch you up on the past year of my life. Long story short: I volunteered for too many things, and then my dad had some serious health issues. This led to some epic burnout, so my intentions for the upcoming school year are to (a) volunteer way less and (b) take the time to heal. 

The first book I mentioned during this show is Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown. It’s one of my absolute favorites.

The second book I mentioned is MY FIRST NOVEL. Yep, I published my novel. You should read it. Confessions Of An Imposter Room Mom, by ME, is available as a paperback and e-book on Amazon and as an e-book in all the usual places.

Thanks for listening! And reading! And for being generally awesome.