23 in ’23: The Mid Year Report (Plus A Month!)

At the beginning of the year, I picked 23 projects that I wanted to tackle in 2023. It’s been awhile since I checked in, so let’s see my progress!

  1. Attend fifty hot yoga classes: As of today, I’ve attended 35 classes – woot woot! I thought about trying to attend 100 classes in 2023, but after all the drama with my dad’s multiple brain surgeries, I’m so glad I aimed for 50.
  2. Track what I eat for 30 days in a row: I completed this in January.
  3. Drink at least 64 oz of water/day for 30 days in a row: Ditto.
  4. Publish my second novel: I’m currently writing some new scenes after receiving feedback from my editor, and I think (fingers crossed!) that the novel will be ready to publish by year’s end.
  5. Read 100 books for myself: I’ve finished 64 of 100 books and according to Goodreads, I’m 7 books ahead of schedule.
  6. Try 23 new recipes: I’ve tried six new recipes and lost all momentum here because I abhor cooking in the summer. I foresee lots of fall cooking!
  7. Cook with mushrooms 23 times: I’ve cooked mushrooms four times! Always delicious!
  8. Bake 23 loaves of bread: Not a loaf yet. And not happening with the current humidity and heat.
  9. Make 23 different buttons with my button maker: Falling short here (I’ve made one button, ahem(), but I’m probably using my button maker to help with fundraising at our school’s welcome back fair. So stay tuned…
  10. Finish 23 craft projects (not including buttons): Four down. Hopefully I can do some smaller projects with the kids soon.
  11. Watch 12 different Creativebug classes: I’ve only watched one, but I’m planning to distance myself from volunteering during the 2023-24 school year so I can have more time for myself. And I definitely want more crafting as part of my self-care.
  12. Draw 12 times: I’ve drawn four times. I’ve got such a mental block against this.
  13. Play 23 different board/card games: Up to twelve different games. Need to pick up the pace with this.
  14. Watch 23 movies with my kids: I’m at eight! We saw Elemental in the theater over the weekend and I enjoyed it a lot.
  15. Write 23 blog posts: This will be my fifteenth post of the year.
  16. Visit 23 new places: I completed this goal several months ago, and visited my 29th new place – a movie theater in downtown L.A. – over the weekend.
  17. Go on 12 hikes: I’ve done the same hike, Eaton Canyon, twice now. Once with Pippa, and once with Pippa, Nathan and Julian. Both times were so good for my soul.
  18. Do 23 things I have never done before: I’m at 14 new things.
  19. Finish decluttering the house! I’ve made a ton of progress. I really need to tackle the basement and garage.
  20. Indulge my inner child 23 times: I’ve indulged my inner child at least 16 times. Yesterday, we went to the beach and I built a sand castle with Julian and then went boogie boarding.
  21. Publish 12 podcast episodes: This remains at zero. I feel the urge to record a podcast episode slowing increasing, but that urge is not yet loud enough for me to take action. Or maybe it’s that I feel compelled to do other things first. A woman only has so many hours in a day, and this woman is revising a novel, raising two kids, keeping house, going to hot yoga, and doing lots of other shit — plus, she needs time to relax and chill the eff out. So, if podcasting doesn’t happen, that’s fine! But then again, maybe I’ll finish novel revisions and use podcasting as a creative outlet. Who knows?!
  22. Attend 12 live performances: I’ve been to six live performances this year, and they have been so nourishing for my soul. We have tickets to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong in a few weeks, and I’m considering a few other shows. In December, the kids and I will see the Nutcracker or A Christmas Carol – or possibly both!
  23. Spend 20 hours gardening: Nature and fresh air are so good for my mental and spiritual health. I’ve done a ton of gardening this year, but have not always remembered to log it. I’d say I’ve easily done 15 hours of gardening this year (probably more).

Confession: Even though I’m still working on most of these items, I’m already thinking about my 24 in ’24. I love this shit.