Dispatches From The Queen of the Room Moms

After three years of being the room parent for Pippa’s class, I agreed to become the Queen of the Room Moms. That is not my official PTA title — it’s something lame like “Room Parent Coordinator — but I would still like a crown.

In years past, our school had room dads. This year, however, every room parent is a mom. If a dad joins our ranks next year, I’m not sure how I will cope. “Queen of the Room Parents” does not have the same ring.

As Queen of the Room Moms, I send regular emails to my Room Mom Squad. These emails can get, well, a little zany. Why send dull tedious emails when you can spice up inboxes with a little snark?

Here’s my latest dispatch. But first, helpful background information: I scheduled a holiday gathering for the room moms, but thanks to Covid rules, we have to meet at our local park. Ah! The dramatic life of a Pasadena room mom.

Howdy Room Mom Squad,

The chance of rain on Thursday is 90% so alas, no holiday party. Next week, there is more rain and then it will be Cold AF, so let’s postpone our gathering until 2022. We can have a Valentine’s Day Party and exchange cards. i’m kidding! (Or am I? i’m kind of loving this idea. But that might just be the Coke Zero.) 

If you are organizing a class gift (which is optional), feel free to send another email to your parents. Most will appreciate a friendly nudge. (And those who don’t are Grinches who will be miserable no matter what you do.) While you are at it, remind your parents to donate to Annual Fund! 

Then I included an email for the room moms to copy and paste. They LOVE this. I am a writer so writing these emails is a relatively easy item on my To Do list. But not everyone is a writer, so I like to provide emails they can send to lighten their room mom load.