Zoloft Does Not Numb Me To Life

Some people think anti-depressants are numbing. That they take away bad and good feelings. I want the record to reflect: this has not been my experience with anti-depressants.

I have been taking Zoloft since July 2020 and holy eff, I am still feeling all the feelings, from Anger to Zest, and everything in between. The only thing that Zoloft has numbed is my anxiety.

Is anxiety a feeling? Wow, that’s a philosophical rabbit hole. And I want to go finished watching The Bachelor now, so can I take a rain check on figuring that out?

All I want to say is that anti-depressants have in no way muted my experience of the world. If anything, they have empowered me to experience my feelings even more. When my anxiety is revved up, it’s hard for me to feel anything but anxious. Sadness, joy, grumpiness, contentment … all those feelings get buried beneath heaps and heaps of anxiety.

Zoloft does not numb me to life. Quite the opposite. It soothes my anxiety so I can fully appreciate this wild and magnificent life.