This week, I’m talking about building new, radiant beliefs on the podcast. But first! I talked about busting out of my exercise rut and joining Obe Fitness. You can read all about that in this blog post.
And second! I mentioned I have been reading up on hygge (pronounced hoo-gah). The book I am loving is The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking.

Okay, now to the meat of the episode! (Or the tofu, if you’re vegetarian.) I have been working to identify my beliefs. Most of my beliefs are subconscious. But with journaling and reflection, I am discovering old beliefs that might have served me in the past but are now holding me back from being my best self.
I am working with these negative beliefs and consciously bidding them farewell. But now, I need to plant the seeds of new beliefs and nurture the shit out of them until I have a gorgeous lush forest of beliefs that are in line with my values. But how the hell do I do that? Figuring that out is my current work.
I am listening to the audiobook for Jen Sincero’s You Are A Badass Every Day: How to Keep Your Motivation Strong, Your Vibe High, and Your Quest for Transformation Unstoppable. I love Jen Sincero but it has been years since I read any of her books. Her work really resonates with me, and the audiobook is helping me lay down the new beliefs I need to believe in my awesomeness.

Sincero has inspired me to upgrade my “spiritual gym.” I am listening to Try Everything by Shakira everyday. Damn that song pumps me up. I have also written affirmations on sticky notes and hung them up around my desk.

And then, I bought myself this deck of affirmation cards.

It’s going to take a lot of work, but I can already feel my new beliefs taking root.
For my next episode, I should probably talk about what those beliefs actually are!