Episode 86: A Postpartum Pep Talk

I actually made a new episode for my first podcast, Adventures With Postpartum Depression. (So for listeners of Adventures With My Forties, you did not pull a Rip Van Winkle and miss seventy episodes!)

I wanted to drop in and say, “Hello!” to all the listeners to Adventures With Postpartum Depression because the e-book of my memoir, Adventures With Postpartum Depression, is free RIGHT NOW, from December 8-12, on Amazon. Download now, listen whenever you want. It’s my early Christmas gift for all the mamas struggling right now. (And for everyone else! You do not have to be a struggling mama to read the book.)

While I was saying hello, I thought I would give a pep talk for all the postpartum mamas because sometimes, you just need someone to tell you, “You can do this. Yeah, this is tough. But I believe in you.” Because seriously, mamas, I do believe in you and I know how tough newborns are – and in 2020, sweet mercy, there’s a whole extra dimension to the toughness.

Here are the main points I tried to make in my Episode 86 Postpartum Pep Talk:

  1. It gets easier.
  2. Babies are tough.
  3. You are not alone.
  4. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. Haters gonna hate.
  5. You did nothing wrong.
  6. You are enough.
  7. Babies are all different.
  8. If you have a maternal mood disorder, you don’t have to conquer it today or tomorrow or next week. It’s like you broke your back. Would you expect someone in a full body cast to get better tomorrow? Give yourself the same grace. Mental health matters as much as physical health.
  9. You don’t have to treasure every moment. I’m sorry, but a blowout poopy diaper at 2 a.m. is no one’s idea of a good time.
  10. You are allowed to make mistakes. Perfect is boring! Our children are entitled to our mistakes. In fact, if you never make a single mistake while raising your children, my god, you are setting the bar really high! Do your kids a favor and make a few (thousand) mistakes.

This is the pep talk I needed to hear when I was in the throes of postpartum depression, anxiety and OCD. I hope it helps someone struggling now. I am rooting for all of you and sending you my love!

p.s. Listen to this episode as often as you like!