No Distance Camps For Us, Thank You Very Much

As in-person camps in Pasadena close down, some virtual options are popping up. I do not know what our summer is going to be like, but I do know this: Thank you, but no virtual camps for us, thanks!

Julian has Zoom preschool three mornings each week. He usually attends 20-40 minutes of the hour. I have to be there for every minute, paying attention and helping him. It’s exhausting.

Pippa has Google school for forty-five minutes every morning. I have to be close by to help because something always happens. A screen closes. Volume goes bonkers. Or she just needs a boo boo kiss. It’s exhausting.

I received an email this morning about Girl Scout’s virtual camp. They will be delivering packages with activities. It’s very affordable. I briefly wondered, Should I? But my whole body cringed, revolted by the idea of more virtual activities that require my constant assistance. Just the thought of virtual camp is exhausting.

And these days, I don’t need exhausting.

I need rest and relaxation. I need weeks and weeks and weeks without distance learning because holy shit, it seems likely the 2020-2021 school year will involve more of this distance learning bullshit. I want to get outside with my kids, dig up worms in the garden, splash in the pool, and kick the soccer ball. I don’t want to spend another minute helping Pippa do virtual socializing. She hates it as much as I do, so why torture ourselves?

I do not know what Summer 2020 is going to look like, but it will definitely be an extended break from distance learning. And it will be an opportunity to lean into my intuition and do the things that work for my family during The Great 2020 Adventure.