Pandemic Parenting: Doing What Works

A couple of days ago, I blogged about the schedule that worked for us on Day 4 (I think? time is getting hazy) of social distancing.

Well, shocking news, but that schedule did not work for us yesterday and it sure as hell is not working for us today.

This truly is a day-by-day experience. More than ever, my kids need me and I need to take care of myself. For us, this means I have to be flexible, that I have to be flexible. When my kids are busy playing or watching t.v., I grab the opportunity to meet my self-care needs. But when they need me, I focus my attention on them and give them the love they need to get through these Strange AF Times.

Pre-pandemic, weekday schedules kept us sane. But right now, we need flexibility. I’m sure lots of people need their routines and schedules. And if that is what works for you, then please, keep those routines and schedules going. We are just doing what works for us, one day at a time. For all I know, as I embrace flexibility today, a schedule that actually works might emerge on Monday. Who the bleep knows?

But all that said, some basic routines are keeping us sane. Getting dressed, brushing teeth, remembering to eat at the usual time – those routines give our days a helpful rhythm. I just can’t force my kids to take nature walks at a certain time every day, or do art at a designated hour, or do any of the things I imagine should be happening at the hour that seems ideal. In fact, I really have to release the word “should” as much as possible. I keep thinking that we “should” do math or we “should” practice writing, but really, those things can go on the back burner as we navigate these surreal days.

New math will be waiting for us on the other side of the pandemic.