2020: Goals, Projects and Shenanigans

It’s December 31st at 11:11 in the morning as I sit down to write this post at Starbucks. My kids are with the babysitter, and damn, I am grateful for the opportunity to reflect on the coming year. If there’s one thing I learned from 2019, it is that I can be my most authentic self when I am intentional about the way I live.

So here is my roadmap for 2020:

  1. Track My Values: I got a good handle on my values in 2019. In 2020, I am going to take a page from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and track how well I am living my values. I am still thinking this over — should I do this weekly or daily? At day’s end or in the morning? By the end of January, I want to have a system in place.
  2. Limited Refined Sugar: I will eat refined sugar no more than 24 times. I am talking about Big Ticket Sugary Sweet here — bowls of ice cream, cookies, and cake. I am not worried about a savory dish that has a little bit of sugar added.
  3. Try 20 Paleo Recipes: I do not live a strict Paleo diet but I find that the closer to Paleo I eat, the better I feel. With that in mind, I need more Paleo recipes in my arsenal. I love cooking, and I love trying new recipes, but sometimes it feels overwhelming to pick a new recipe, shop for ingredients, etc. I want to expand my healthy eating options and think this will do the trick.
  4. Soda Once A Week – Max: I have been drinking much less soda. It feels good to have broken the spell soda had over me, but I still crave it from time to time. So I am being realistic with this goal. I can have soda once a week in 2020, but I think I can do even better than that.
  5. Do Hot Yoga 100 Times: This will be tricky but I think I can pull it off. With my kids’ current schedule, I am often only able to go once a week, which only gets me halfway to my goal. But eyes on the prize! In the summer, Julian will start going to preschool five days a week and I will suddenly be able to do to a lot more hot yoga. So I will fall behind on this goal the first half of 2020 and then kick it up a gear to get 100 classes done.
  6. Walk An Average of 11,000 Steps/Day: I’m not sure about this goal. I walked an average of 10,665 steps/day in 2019. I am planning to do more hot yoga, so maybe I will end up walking less in 2020, but movement feels so good. When I sit too long, I start to rust. So I am challenging myself to walk 11,000 steps/day AND do hot yoga. I’ll reassess throughout the year and not beat myself up if I’m walking less.
  7. Meditate 250 Times: I have been using the Calm App and meditated 180 times in 2019. My eventual goal is to meditate every single day. But I’ll start with 250 times this year and see what happens.
  8. Read 100 Books: My 2019 goal was to read 100 books and I have read 105 books (and looking like I’ll hit 106 before I hit the pillow tonight). I am keeping the goal at 100 so that I can still read some longer tomes. I’m afraid that if I nudge the goal up, I’ll feel compelled to stick to short books.
  9. Decluttering: Okay, I have set some deadlines here.
    • Nook: Finish by January 31. The Nook is a small space that connects the master bedroom with the kids’ room. It has become the most cluttered place in the house, so I am attacking it first.
    • Basement and garage: Finish by February 29.
    • Master bedroom shelves and storage plus my yarn stash: March 30.
    • Guest bedroom: April 30. (This includes a closet where we store lots of toys).
    • Kitchen: May 31
    • Take status and plan next steps by June 30.  
  10. 50 Blog Posts: It would be nice if I could blog 100 times in 2020. I find that blogging centers me and gives me a lot of insight. Honestly, I don’t care how many people read my rambling posts. I just care about blogging because it’s a self-care tool. All that said, I think 50 blog posts is more realistic, so that’s my current goal.
  11. Finish Rough Draft of Current Book By July 31: Not sure if I can do this. But I want to try! I’m not setting a deadline for revisions because shit, I have no idea. This is my first novel and hello, motherhood.
  12. Knit Three Sweaters: One for me, one for Pippa and one for Julian. I love knitting, but I get bored with scarves that are never worn. But if I get some fun squishy yarns for the kids… then again, I reserve the right to say “Fuck knitting, I’m doing cross stitch in 2020” and leave it at that. But I would at least love to knit a big cozy cardigan for myself.
  13. Do My Enneagram by March 31: I keep running across the enneagram in conversations and books. It’s like a personality test, I think? I bought a book and damnit, I’m doing this during the first quarter of 2020. It just feels like something I need to do.
  14. Try Reiki: I have been curious about reiki for awhile and there are many practitioners in Pasadena. I would like to try this at least once and be open to the experience.
  15. Try 20 Creative Bug Classes: I have been subscribing to Creative Bug for several years but rarely take the classes. They sound so interesting, but I don’t make the effort. Well, this year, I will make the effort or cancel the subscription. And instead of doing these at day’s end, when I’m worn out, I’ll do them during the day with my kids, who can watch with me or go off and do their own thing.
  16. Practice French on Duolingo Every Day: I have gotten into the habit of doing Duolingo every day. My current streak is 237 days. I’m going to extend that streak another 365 days! There are seven levels of French lessons on Duolingo. I am currently about one third of the way through level two. I’d like to finish Level 5 by year’s end. This will motivate me to practice my French when I have idle moments instead of scrolling mindlessly through Facebook and Instagram.
  17. Learn World Geography: I went to know every country’s name and location plus the world capitols. I think it’s important to exercise the brain to keep it young, and damnit, I should know where the Falklands are. (Are the Falklands even a country?? Shit, I want to know these things.)
  18. Learn Human Anatomy: Every organ, every bone, every major muscle. It’s my body. I should know it.
  19. Learn the Periodic Table of Elements: Again, I want to learn these things because when I am learning new things beyond my comfort zone, I can feel my brain laying down new neural pathways. And that feels good.
  20. Memorize U.S. Presidents: I’d also like to know a lot more world history but this is the first thing I am going to nail down. Let me embrace my desire to be the eternal student!
  21. Get Up To Date On Photo Albums: I was good with this, then I had Julian. I have only made albums through 2015, the year Julian was born. Well, time to remedy date. Again, I have deadlines.
    • 2019 Album by end of January (it’s easier to start with the most recent)
    • 2018 Album by end of March (February is Girl Scout cookie month and I’m the cookie chair for Pippa’s troop, so let’s have a little self-mercy, eh?)
    • 2017 Album by end of April
    • 2016 Album by end of May
    • And then, I will start making the 2020 album while 2020 is in progress. I’ll catch up by end of July, and then I just have to add to the album as our adventures happen.
  22. Promote My Memoir: I have not done a lot to promote my memoir. Well, I did make an entire podcast, and people still listen to the podcast, but I feel like in 2020, I need to return to my advocacy work for maternal mental health. A little. I’m not going to restart the podcast or support group – that’s not for me at this stage of my life. But I have a few plans.
    • Release the memoir on Kindle Unlimited. For shits and giggles. Who knows what will happen? Probably nothing but then again, there might be a mom who has KU and really needs to read my memoir, but she only lets herself read things in the KU universe…
    • Put out a “last call” for free digital downloads before I put the book on Kindle Unlimited. Give people a few weeks to download and then cancel the links for free downloads. I’ll do this in January, and release the book on KU in February.
    • Write a monthly blog post about postpartum depression. I don’t know why. This just feels like something I should be doing. So I’ll give it a try and see what happens.
    • By the end of January, create a page on this website dedicated to the memoir and podcast. I’m setting an early deadline so I just get something done. It does not have to be perfect. I can improve and tinker after I get this started.
  23. Listen to 20 New-to-Me Podcasts: I actually had the goal in 2014, way back when Pippa was a baby, to listen to 100 different podcasts. I never met that goal but I listened to a ton, found some favorites, and felt refreshed and invigorated by the project. I feel like I have fallen into a podcast rut so I’m going to expand my horizons again in 2020.
  24. Visit 20 New-to-Me Places: Again, I had a similar goal in 2014. That time, I was going to visit 52 “cultural” places like museums and botanical gardens to remind myself that I was not just a mom. I think it is once again time to nudge myself beyond my usual haunts, but I am not limiting myself to cultural venues. Yes, I’d like to finally make it to the Broad Museum this year, but a new-to-me coffee shop counts as well. And maybe I’ll get on a roll and visit 52 places, but since it’s 2020, twenty is such a nice goal to have.

Whew, I think that is more than enough! Am I being overly ambitious? Probably. But it will be fun to see what sticks and what does not quite work. Tally ho, 2020!