Declutter 10: Day 5

Yesterday was my fifth day in a row of decluttering – woot woot! And I finally had the emotional courage to purge some stuffed animals.

My kids have piles and piles of stuffed animals. Julian’s collection is actually acceptable. Pippa’s is insane.

I have thinned the herd several times. People just love to give my daughter stuffed animals. I do my best to keep the expensive ones. And the ones from grandparents. But holy crap, if I kept all the stuffed animals, we’d need a dedicated Stuffed Animal Room.

A few months ago, when I was feeling desperate, I stuffed about a dozen stuffed animals in a trash bag and hid the trash bag in a closet. I chose stuffed animals that Pippa never seemed to snuggle or cuddle. Then, I waited. If she noticed that a Hello Kitty stuffy was missing, I would have liberated it from the closet (and welcomed the hero’s parade.) But she did not complain that her stuffed animals were missing. She has so many, she did not notice the sudden absence of a dozen.

So yesterday, I asked my babysitter in hushed whispers if she wanted the stuffed animals. She did. I showed her the stuffed animals in the closet while the kids were playing on the other side of the house. We both felt like we were playing with fire. Then, while the kids were at school, the babysitter transferred them to the car.

I don’t have a list of the exact stuffed animals because this was a very furtive, top secret, highly dangerous mission. If Pippa had seen what I was doing … but she didn’t. I know we gave up a Minnie Mouse (she still has several Minnies) and the aforementioned Hello Kitty (she still has at least eight freaking Hello Kitties). But I feel relieved to have cleared some more clutter out of my house. It’s as if there is more air to breathe.

Now I just have to resist the urge to buy the kids more stuffed animals for Valentine’s Day! Agh, so many cute options at stores but they don’t need any more shit. I will leave stuffed animal purchases to the grandparents.