The Time My Intuition Told Me To Get Starbucks

I had a moment this morning that felt so blessed, I just had to share. I was taking my morning walk and reached the point where I could turn left, and get Starbucks, or turn right, and skip the iced coffee. My mind said “skip it” but my intuition bellowed, “GET STARBUCKS!” I decided to listen to my intuition, turned left, and ordered my iced decaf americano on the mobile app.

I headed for Starbucks on a very busy street near my house: three lanes of traffic, people driving 35-40 mph and making lots of lane changes. I was pretty zoned out listening to music, but I could not help noticing a sweet toddler, with a pacifier and glasses, who waved hello. I waved back and kept walking. I got to the next house and did a double take.


The toddler was standing at the edge of his front lawn, a few feet from the street. I scanned the area. I was the only grownup in sight. I hustled back to the toddler and said, “Let’s go find mama.” He followed me to the house. Lo, the front door was open.

I shouted, “Hello?!” A confused looking mom appeared after I shouted a few more times. She saw the open door and then her baby standing next to me. She looked like she was about to faint. “He opened the door!”

“I have littles,” I said, “Don’t worry, I know these crazy things happened.” And then I kept walking to get the most memorable iced decaf americano of my life.

The moral of the story is: Trust your intuition!

The alternative moral is: Always choose Starbucks!