In mid-July, I challenged myself to write fifty weekday blog posts in a row to see what happened. I wrote the first post on July 18, 2023. Now it’s September 26, and I’m writing my fiftieth weekday blog post in a row – woot woot! I did it!

So what next?
First, I few observations about the past fifty blog posts:
- It’s much easier to do something every day than occasionally. At the beginning of the year, I challenged myself to write 23 blog posts in ’23. Between January 1 and July 17, I wrote FIVE measly posts, and it felt like a struggle to write that many. Now I’ve written fifty-five posts, and the last fifty felt easy.
- When I do something every day, I build MOMENTUM and it takes less energy to get started. But when I only write a blog post every month or two, it takes a lot of mental effort to sign into my website, think of an idea, etc.
- I like blogging!
- It doesn’t really matter to me if anyone is reading this blog or not. This is a practice that I do for myself.
Going forward, I’d like to continue blogging every weekday–so long as it works for me. If it starts to feel boring or stressful, I’ll take a sabbatical (maybe forever!) But right now, I’m enjoying this practice and it’s fun to see what topics my muse gravitates toward for posts.
This blog and website is a tool for me to get really comfortable with being my authentic self. Yesterday, I added a page for Bucket Lists. I thought about that for a loooooong time. I wanted to add the Bucket Lists page, but felt self-conscious about putting my schemes and dreams out into the world for anyone to read. Now the page is started, and I feel like I can really dig into my love of projects and lists and see where it takes me.

I have a lot of ideas for regular posts:
- A monthly roundup of books I’ve read
- Updates on my upcoming novel
- Progress on my 23 in ’23 projects
- More bucket lists (sooo many bucket lists)
But I’m still figuring this out! After blogging for fifty days in a row, I thought I’d be out of ideas, but no, the more I blog, the more ideas I have for future posts.
I’m also contemplating tackling something else for 50 days in a row. Maybe 50 days of TikTok videos or Instagram posts? But I don’t want to stretch myself too thin on the creative front. And having finished 50 days of weekday blog posts, I’m going to take at least a few days to enjoy the achievement before I jump into the next one.
It’s 2023 and I’m 44 years old. Yes, I’m a little late to the blogging game, but who cares? I’m learning to trust my muse, and right now, she wants me to keep on blogging.