Hello! I just scrolled through my blog because I could not remember the last time I posted. found podcast show notes from October and August (they don’t count) and excerpts from my memoir during the summer (they also don’t count) but holy shit, I haven’t written a proper post since March 25, 2021.
That would explain why I feel so damn awkward writing this post.
And why it would be so easy to do something — anything — else.
But I was at hot yoga this morning — yes, I do hot yoga now — and I could not stop thinking that I should write a blog post. I had a hundred things I wanted to write about: hot yoga; Gretchen Rubin; my novel; the holidays; 2021 and 2022; Sim City; mom life; room mom life; my changing mindset; the button maker I bought myself for Christmas; and so much more but I feel like I have to start here with the awkwardness.
So this is me being awkward:

So very awkward:

But sometimes, being awkward is part of the journey. In fact, you have to accept feeling Awkward AF if you want to go on any sort of journey into the unknown.

Okay, yay, now that I got that out of the way, I can get back to blogging and see what magic transpires.