Over the summer, I skipped a period and my naturopath and I decided I should do some hormonal testing to see what was up. I assumed that I was entering early perimenopause since my mom started perimenopause when she was forty-one. (I turn forty-two tomorrow!) The test results indicated that I had not entered perimenopause but my testosterone levels were low.

My naturopath suggested I start taking supplemental testosterone. I could do this in one of two ways: a daily cream or a little “pill” that is inserted surgically into the thigh. I was concerned that either method would turn me into something like this:

My doctor assured me I would just feel more energized. I decided to try the testosterone cream and filled the prescription at a compounding pharmacy that mixed up my prescription. I applied the cream at bedtime and the next morning, I woke up and felt like this:

Every day, I felt more and more energized. It was like the best caffeine high but without the crash or jitters. The testosterone made me feel vibrant and extra alive.
Then I got used to it and took it for granted. My prescription ran out shortly after Christmas and I did not want to deal with the hassle of filling a prescription during the holidays. Heck, I thought, I probably did not need the testosterone that much anyway.
For the first few days, I did not notice any change in my energy. But then, the fatigue hit. I felt drained no matter how well I had slept.
I had returned to my pre-testosterone levels which used to be perfectly tolerable. Except now I had had a taste of vibrantly alive I could feel. I did not want to return to those lower energy levels! II called my doctor’s office the first Monday of 2021 and requested a refill. When the pharmacy called and asked if I wanted them to mail the refill, I said, “No, thanks! I’ll pick it up when it’s ready!” I wanted my testosterone immediately if not sooner.
It was really annoying when I skipped my period last summer. I felt so edgy for weeks with all those pent up hormones. But now, I am glad that happened. Because I skipped my period, I decided to get some hormone testing; and because I got hormone testing, I learned my testosterone levels were low; and because I learned my testosterone levels were low, I started taking supplemental testosterone.
And it turns out that for me, a little testosterone creates a lot of magic!