Hi! I’d like to introduce you to my bullet journal.

I started bullet journaling about two years ago. I used special pens and rulers and agonized over drawing cute doodles wherever possible. It was a major pain in my ass.
I quickly gave up my ambition to make the perfect bullet journal and instead focused on making a bullet journal that was perfect for me. That means if I make a mistake, I just cross it out and keep going. I do not bother with rulers when making calendars. And I no longer waste time trying to imitate the ways people decorate their lists and spreads.

I have seen bullet journals that are works of art. And if that’s your jam, have at it! But I do not have the time, energy of inclination to turn my bullet journal into the Mona Lisa. I really just need a place to keep grocery and To Do lists. I don’t need pretty. I need functional.

My Messy AF bullet journal has actually become a great place for me to embrace mistakes and imperfections. I am a recovering perfectionist and my fear of making mistakes used to immobilize me. My messy bullet journal has taught me to release my grip on my desire to be the best at everything.