I have not been keeping up with my blogging or podcasting this month because I have been busy on another project: my second book! It’s called The Distance Learning Activity Book For Parents Just Barely Holding On To Their Last Shred Of Sanity and it is on the verge of being published.
There are merit badges:

A multiple choice test:

Of course, the book would not be complete without some Would You Rather…

And I’m really proud of Distance Learning Bingo:

There are ton of other activities, including the distance learning personality quiz, the survey your child’s school does not have the nerve to send, a picture hunt, and word scramble affirmations. Parents get to build their distance learning wardrobe, create their distance learning nickname, and even make a mascot.
I wish I could say that this book offers salvation from the distance learning horror show. It does not. The only thing that will offer salvation from distance learning is THE END OF DISTANCE LEARNING. Unfortunately, my magic powers are not strong enough for that sort of spell, otherwise I would have rescued us all ages ago. But this book does offer a distraction from the torture of distance learning, and also a few laughs, and hopefully, that will help at least a few parents get a firmer grip on their last shred of sanity.
The book will be on sale on Amazon very, very soon! I’ll update this post as soon as it’s available.