Whew, I gave my website a little attention today. I updated the Home, About Me and Podcast pages. When I get time to write, I just want to write a blog post or work on my fantasy series. But the website pages were so outdated, it was getting ridiculous.
I also did some work today for … [drum roll, please!] … my new podcast!

I created my podcast cover art, picked some music for the introduction, and brainstormed the first several episodes. I hope to record the first episode this week and have everything uploaded and synched with iTunes by the end of July. Then I will record weekly episodes about all the things I am learning ad adventures I am having as a woman in my forties.
I first got the idea for this show about a year ago. I even recorded the first four episodes last fall. But then I got overwhelmed and decided I did not have enough kid-free time to start a podcast. I would wait until Julian was going to preschool five times a week during the 2020-21 school year.
Well, shit, y’all. It’s Summer 2020 and I have even less kid-free time than I did in Fall 2019. But my inner voice will not leave me alone. It keeps saying, Podcast, podcast, podcast. Pandemic or no pandemic, this is something I have to do.
I deleted the four episodes I recorded last fall. -They are literally from a different era. This week, I will start fresh with some new episodes.
I am so excited to get this podcast off the ground already!