Adventures with Toddlers

I have been the mother of a since March 2014. But in two months, Julian turns three and I will have officially earned the merit badge for surviving the toddler years. (I get a merit badge, right?)
Every mom I know at some point has a tough time dealing with her toddler. It’s an adventure in and of itself. I’m a bookworm, so the thing that has helped me navigate the toddler years has been a mix of daily journaling (not a daily log but an expressive writing practice a la The Artist’s Way) and reading.
I read a mix of books about parenting and self-improvement. This is the toughest thing I have learned as a mom: you can’t change your kids, you can only change yourself. It has taken five years to get myself there.
Books that helped me a lot with understanding toddlers:
The Happiest Toddler on the Block (this gave lots of practical tools)
The Whole-Brain Child which is just fantastic for all things kid. I’ve read it twice and will probably read it again.
My favorite book about being a parent:
Then, on the personal growth front, the books that have helped me navigate the tough, tough waters of motherhood are:
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
And this is the thing that comforts me when my toddler is being tough: it’s age and developmentally appropriate. I might not enjoy tantrums, but at least I know his brain is developing on track.